SSD with Data Caching in Web Hosting
If you host your sites in a web hosting account with our company, you will definitely notice their fantastic performance. This is because our cloud platform uses solely SSD drives for all of the files, e-mail addresses and databases and we don't use HDDs for any part of the Internet hosting service. Along with the revolutionary ZFS file system, this configuration will boost the speed of your Internet sites drastically. For load-balancing, we also use a number of SSDs for caching purposes only. All content that generates increased traffic or creates lots of reading/writing processes is duplicated on them automatically, so the load on the main drives will be reduced, thus the overall performance of all websites hosted with us will improve. The aforementioned in turn prolongs the life of the main drives and decreases the possibility of a disk failure, that is one more guarantee for the reliability of all content that you upload to your account.
SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you subscribe for one of our semi-dedicated server plans, we will store your content on SSD drives and this is valid not only for the files, but also for all databases and e-mail messages. Thus, your script-driven apps and webmail will load very quickly. We employ dedicated SSDs for caching too. Traffic-intensive website content is cloned automatically on these drives, so we make sure that a few heavy Internet sites which generate a large amount of reading and writing processes can't affect the other Internet sites that share the exact same drive. By reduction of the overall load we also raise the lifespan of the main storage disks and lower the potential for a disk failure, so by using SSD drives for caching purposes, we add one more level of security for your website content.